The Directorate of Tourism, UT Ladakh is the main developmental, promotional and regulatory arm of the Tourism Department of UT Ladakh Government. Its main role comprises of overall planning and execution of schemes for the development, up-gradation and improvement of the tourism infrastructure in different parts of the UT. The Department came into existence after the bifurcation of the Erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir into Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh during the year of 2019. The Department has a “Directorate Office” head quartered at Kargil, Three “Tourist Offices” at Leh, Kargil&Zanskar, Three“Tourism Development Authorities” at Leh,Kargil &Zanskar and an Institution namely “Food and Craft Institute” at Leh.All these Offices are functioning under the Administrative Control of Secretary Tourism UT Ladakh. The commercial activities as well as tourist related activities in the tourism sector from government side are looked by these three Tourist Offices, while as the Developmental activities like infrastructure development are looked after by the three Tourism Development Authorities under their respective jurisdiction.